Setting New Standards

Editora Graficos Burti has raised the bar in customer service and printing quality through its innovative technology and communication methods. As a result, the company elevated itself from a printing company to a publishing service bureau working with a wide range of firms to provide the majority of print media advertising produced in Sao Paulo. Fifteen years later, Burti's customer service remains to be the driving force behind the company's large investment in innovation. Burti still provides the highest quality and widest range of services for color accuracy, color trapping, computer-aided imagery, rendering, smoothing, print definition, and film generation. It has expanded its services to offer its customers high-performance videoconferencing workstations and a high-speed radio network for real-time, interactive collaboration and faster turnaround, as well as access to company courses on printing and desktop publishing.

Burti's annual calendar is a showpiece for the company's printing excellence and a focus on the ethnic and cultural variety of Brazil. In 1996, the Burti calendar looked at Afro-Brazilians, highlighting images by renowned Brazilian and foreign photographers.